Kevin Santiago's Buzzards Bay Swim page!

Spanning from the scenic Farm Coast of Massachusetts and Rhode Island to the stunning Elizabeth Islands, Buzzards Bay is one of the most beautiful coastal waterways on the East Coast. But it's under constant threat from dangers like nitrogen pollution, oil spills, and disappearing forests, streams, and wetlands.

Jun 28, 2018 - 15:18
Jun 30, 2023 - 21:51
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Kevin Santiago's Buzzards Bay Swim page!

Spanning from the scenic Farm Coast of Massachusetts and Rhode Island to the stunning Elizabeth Islands, Buzzards Bay is one of the most beautiful coastal waterways on the East Coast. But it's under constant threat from dangers like nitrogen pollution, oil spills, and disappearing forests, streams, and wetlands.

You can help save Buzzards Bay by donating to my upcoming Buzzards Bay Swim on Saturday, June 30. I’ll be doing my part for Buzzards Bay by joining hundreds of others in swimming 1.2 miles across outer New Bedford Harbor to raise funds to restore and protect clean water in Buzzards Bay.

One small donation at a time, over 25 years, swimmers like me have raised more than a million dollars to fight pollution, permanently protect natural areas, harness the power of science, and increase access to the outdoors for all people.

By swimming in the 25th annual Buzzards Bay Swim, I am hoping to raise $200 for the Buzzards Bay Coalition. These funds will go directly to the Buzzards Bay Coalition's conservation, research, advocacy, and education work. Your donation will truly make a difference for future generations!

Thank you for your support!

P.S. You can join me at the Swim on June 30 from 7-10am — there's a breakfast beach party at Fort Phoenix in Fairhaven that's open to everybody. Hope to see you there!