Vote for Melissa DaRosa on tuesday, November 6 th for Council at Large in Pawtucket

A lot of people haven't met Melissa Darosa the young Cape Verdian lady who's running as an Independent for Council at Large in Pawtucket on Nov 6th, heck a lot of people don't even know who she is. Let me tell you a little about her, she's short and full of love for her city and the people in it. She's the one the cops call whenever something bad like a murder happens, not because she's a super detective, but because she is the one who helps people deal with things.

Nov 4, 2018 - 11:31
 0  62
Vote for Melissa DaRosa on tuesday, November 6 th for Council at Large in Pawtucket

A lot of people haven't met Melissa Darosa the young Cape Verdian lady who's running as an Independent for Council at Large in Pawtucket on Nov 6th, heck a lot of people don't even know who she is. Let me tell you a little about her, she's short and full of love for her city and the people in it. She's the one the cops call whenever something bad like a murder happens, not because she's a super detective, but because she is the one who helps people deal with things. She's the one who spends her free time ( and her own money) trying to keep kids in school, getting them into job training programs, keeping them off the street and out of trouble and jail. She's the one who founded Knowledge is Power ( along with her friend Kathy Dasilva) the group that has run the block party at Payne park for years. She's the one who was preaching against and working for an end to gang violence before it became a hot topic . She is the one many of the elected officials have called in the past asking for her support ( the same elected officials who now ignore her because she is running for office). Those who have been lucky enough to meet her, or work with her on any of the issues she's been involved with over the years, know she's a passionate, thoughtful person and that this city would benefit by her being on the council. 
With that I ask that this Tuesday November 6th, that you cast one of your votes for City Council at large for MELISSA DAROSA!!

Vote for Melissa DaRosa

Local activists Melissa DaRosa formally declares and secures over 200 nomination signatures for the November 6, 2018 election as an Independent candidate for Pawtucket City Council at Large! The people of Pawtucket deserve sincere and meticulous representation! Ms. DaRosa is running to restore the traditions, morals, and focus of this office! This is this peace workers second try at public office! Pawtucket faces many challenges: Memorial Hospital, Paw Sox Stadium, The Transfer station but Melissa would like to see a focus on:


  • Community Policing
  • Public Safety
  • Employment
  • Homelessness
  • Reducing Violence
  • Affordable housing
  • Public transportation
  • Education
  • Substance abuse


The people of Pawtucket need someone to step into this office to resolve the all of the city challenges by:

  1. Gathering the necessary information about the city for the people of Pawtucket
  2. Educating the community about the city thru transparency
  3. Foster a commitment from community to establish common goals for positive change for Pawtucket
  4. Outreach to the community in an innovative way to have conversations and/or mediation
  5. Create a Direct action plan to achieve a cost effective solution to Pawtucket challenges
  6. Create opportunity for Pawtucket to start and restore friendly relationships for the people

Melissa DaRosa promises to put Pawtucket People First and is focused on empowering the Pawtucket people to make positive change thru democracy! Melissa will work to give everyone a voice including visitors, the disenfranchised and undeserved citizens when making decisions that affect our city!